Sunday, 3 November 2013

Speeches: Committees Start Up

We will be starting speeches. As I mentioned, you are the Kelly Road experts on speeches in our classroom. You will design assessment and activities with the help of myself and your peers.

Pick 1 of these 3 options that interests you the most:
-designing the rubric for speeches
-designing the learning activities/lessons for students to work on their public speaking skills and confidence
-designing the learning activities/lessons for students to work on speech writing skills

The area that interests you most will be the committee you will now be a part of.

Each committee must have 3 individuals with designated roles:
1. The chair: keeps everyone on task and focused (with positive comments)
2. Participation leader: ensures everyone's voice is heard by encouraging every individual to share his/her insight with positive comments.
3. Note-taker: uses a school laptop to record the group's ideas and notes. This is done on the computer to facilitate editing and collaboration later.

Day 1:

  1. Each student gets into a committee. 
  2. Committees begin discussions and draft proposals (rubric, lessons, handouts etc.).

Day 2 &3:
Please note, if an individual is having continued difficulty working with his/her committee or the committee does not seem to be functioning, the committee will be encouraged to delegate specific tasks for students to work on independently and then report back to the group.

  1. New individuals take on the roles from last class.
  2. The new chair reads to the group what they have so far. 
  3. Discussion on any ideas group members are not fully in agreement with, things that can be added.
  4. Groups work on finalizing details. Sub-committees may be created. For instance, if the public speaking group has a game or lesson it mentions, one sub-committee can create a lesson sheet detailing materials, time needed, and break down the activity into steps. If the writing skills group has a handout they want to have created, they can decide on the overall format and have sub-committees looking online for strong examples to provide to students on that handout.
  5. When the group feels it has everything it needs, it should present their work to the teacher for feedback.
  6. When all groups have gone through teacher feedback and revision, they will print off their work. Photocopies will be made. 
  7. Each student will read over the proposed activities, handouts, and assessment on their own. 
  8. The groups will then present their work and answer questions. 
  9. After each presentation, one of the following will occur:

  • If the committee proposal requires small changes or no changes, the class will vote on whether or not it should be finalized (with changes as discussed) or if they need to see the changes first.
  • If the committee proposal requires moderate to major changes or needs to be more developed, the committee will be sent back to work on it before re-presenting it to the class. 
    10. Finalized activities, handouts, assessments etc. will be emailed to me ( to be
    distributed to the class.

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