Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Grade 11 English Syllabus

English 11

Beth Wilcox

Course Title: Grade 11 English
Date: September 2013- January 2014
Teacher: Ms. Beth Wilcox
Our course will explore concepts of “Power” in literature and culture through the years. We will examine concepts of voice, bias, and expression as it relates to power structures in society. Students are encouraged to share their voices with the class and larger community; please see the teacher with suggestions for areas of study or independent work.   
Course Outline
The course may contain, but is not limited to, the following areas of study:
Literature and Media
·         Short Stories and Poetry 
·         Drama- Macbeth
·         Novel- Independent Study and TBA
Non-Fiction and Public Speaking
·         In-class speeches
·         Rotary Interview and preparation
·         Media literacy and article analysis
Written Composition
·         Blogs
·         Paragraphs
·         Essays
·         Short fiction and poetry
Unit Number
Unit Title / Theme
Unit 1
Media Literacy: Exploring Voice in (Social) Media
Unit 2
Elements of Fiction: Resistance in Short Stories and Poetry
Unit 3 
Independent Novel Study (ISU) and Essay Writing
Unit 4
Drama: Historical Portrayals of Power in Macbeth
Unit 5
Whole Class Novel Study (TBA)
Assessment / Evaluation
Assessment and evaluation will include the following: assignments, quizzes, tests, culminating activities, oral and written compositions, essays, and a final exam. The course mark will be derived from four categories that will be assessed over the year. 
Knowledge and Understanding: e.g. awareness of features, forms, characteristics, content and techniques involved in various types of expression. 
Thinking: e.g. apply learning, consider multiple perspectives, metacognition, and make connections.
Communication: interact effectively and communicate in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes.
Strategies: use of various approaches, techniques, and skills to develop and extend learning. 
Final Mark
·         Assignments and Course Work                70%
·         ISU Essay                                 15%
·         Final Exam                               15%

Unit content, order, timing, and evaluation are subject to change at the discretion and professional judgement of the teacher.

Materials Needed
  • 1binder to keep general notes and handouts in
  • Pen or pencil
  • Your student planner to keep track of homework and due dates

Students are welcome to use personal laptops or tablets for in-class work at the teacher’s discretion. Any personal devices are the sole responsibility of the student. KRSS is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged devices. Students are expected to follow acceptable use policies.

Expectations / Policies / Protocols

àWork hard and be nice!                

à Show respect for yourself, others, and the environment.
Respect Yourself
·         Attend class.
·         Avoid plagiarism.  It will result in a mark of zero on the assignment in question.  Keep copies of your rough work in order to preserve the integrity of your efforts.
·         Keep your binder / notebook neat and organized.  Handouts and notes should be dated and kept in order. 
·         Make up missed quizzes / tests on the day of your return to school due to a legitimate absence. It if your responsibility to find out what you have missed. Please check the website when you are away. 
·         Seek extra help when required.  Do not hesitate to come see me for any concerns or questions you might have.  If you require extra help, set up a meeting with me.
Respect Others
·         Discussion is encouraged! Please do not interrupt others.  Raise your hand if you have something to contribute to the class discussion.
·         Submit all assignments on time.  You are expected to submit assignments before or on the assigned due date.  Please come see me well in advance of the due date if you require an extension.
Respect the Environment
·         Clean up after yourself.  We are not the only people who use this room and it is not pleasant for others to clean up our messes.


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